July 2nd, 2023

May the nations be glad and sing for joy,

for you rule the peoples justly

and guide the nations of the earth.

Psalms 67:4

A Nation Under God

Throughout the generations God works through the nations. His hand can be seen in the nations arising from the children of Adam, and those born of the sons of Abraham. His hand is found in the powers that carried Israel and Judah into captivity. And his hand is manifest in the blessings of our nation today. So let us pause in praise to our great God.

Gracious God,

We come to you today in praise for our many blessings. Today we are especially blessed to live in the nation that you brought into being well over two hundred years ago. Through your loving hands it was born as a nation under God. By your grace, we are blessed with individual liberties and a system that upholds justice for all. Our nation has served as a model of the teachings of your Son, Jesus the Christ. And it has championed the cause of love and freedom throughout the world.

Surely even our founding fathers could not have fully imagined the bountiful prosperity our country has enjoyed through the years. But it was their vision of a nation under God that still rallies us in unity each time our core beliefs are threatened. And for their enduring vision, wars have been fought that our liberty is preserved and that freedom may be gained for others living beyond our borders.

We are grateful for those who protect our nation; and we have been blessed by those who have sacrificed their lives that this nation may enjoy the system of justice born by your loving hand. Through the strength and courage you gave them we enjoy the freedom today they fought and died for.

Today we give you thanks for blessing our nation. We pray that we may be worthy of that blessing. May our attention to you never be distracted by the very blessings that you bestowed upon us. May we not confuse joy with fun, romance with love, or material possessions with our source of strength. May your loving hand always remain present with us that we will live as a nation in service to you.

You, loving God, are our strength and our salvation. So on this special time of celebration each year, may we be ever mindful that our nation was founded in your holy name. And may we be worthy of your blessing that you, Gracious God, will always bless America.           

We offer this prayer today in the loving name of your Son, Jesus the Christ.


You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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