September 6th, 2020

It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:24


As the lead singer of the rock band, U2, Bono made a name for himself. The Irish singer has drawn thousands and thousands to concerts around the world. From it, Bono became a world-wide celebrity.

Celebrity status rolls out red carpets at airport arrivals and opens doors to world leaders. In their own way celebrities gain influence no matter the worthiness of the cause. Celebrities draw admirers to become a part of what they represent. Celebrity status often carries a position of wealth, but it always provides a position of influence.

Sports stars raise money for charity, and Academy Award winners take political stands. Bono is no different. Bono takes a position for Jesus Christ.

“This thing called ‘celebrity’ is currency,” Bono says. “And if I am blessed with this form of currency, then I should use it to bless the One who blessed me.” And he does. Bono has used his position to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; and he has used his position to gain access to powerful people. He uses his “currency” to inspire world leaders and to challenge churches throughout our land to serve the impoverished parts of our world who suffer with starvation and disease. From his “currency” Bono enjoys a position of influence. But he also recognizes it as a responsibility.

Most of us live simpler lives with much smaller spheres of influence. Most of us feel blessed to live as we are, where we are, without either the benefits or burdens that accompany the status we call “celebrity.” But we are all celebrities to someone. In our own ways, each of us has a sphere of influence—people in our lives who roll out red carpets when we arrive, or open doors for us to reach people of greater influence. We all have followers and admirers who want to become a part of what we represent. They are our currency.

You and I may not play on stages that draw crowds or make headlines. But like Bono, our currency rests in our spheres of influence however large or small they may be. With it though, comes responsibility. If God blessed us with this form of currency, then shouldn’t we use it to bless the One who blessed us.

And just think, this currency affords us to give all we have.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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