October 23, 2011
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
A small group of marines, in USMC Dress Blues, huddled outside the building. They were there in tribute to their fallen comrade, tears streaming down their cheeks in his honor. They had grown so close while going through the rigors of marine training before facing the hazards of combat together. They were willing to take a bullet for each other. Benjamin had.
Benjamin was always a fun loving boy. He seemed to resist growing up. Just being a boy seemed too much fun to walk away from. So beyond the years when others allow adult responsibility to take over, Benjamin continued to challenge life. He lived in pursuit of the adventures that presented themselves almost every day. One of those adventures offered a choice between the daily schedules of college life and the action associated with the military. For Benjamin the choice was an easy one.
Perhaps military life was the adventure he sought, or maybe not; but through the terror of war, Benjamin discovered life’s meaning. "There is no honor in killing," he found. And on the occasion of 911, while serving in the hostile terrain of Afghanistan, he posted the following, “I guess you can use today as a reason for us to be here in Afghanistan. Just know I’m fighting for myself but most of all for all my friends and family who read this. Everyone, it’s an honor to be your ambassador.”
A small group of marines, in USMC Dress Blues, huddled together grieving for their fallen friend. Surely they were saddened by their loss. But just as surely they had been touched by the same lessons Benjamin had learned. There is no honor in killing, but they will take a bullet for their friends just as Benjamin had. They find honor in serving as our ambassadors.
God has blessed us with heroes like Benjamin and his fellow marines. They take our places on the battlefield. They offer their lives to secure our liberty. They take bullets so we will not. Because of heroes like these, we live in freedom. They find honor in serving as our ambassadors. And we are honored by their sacrifice. For Benjamin it was his life. Because he died, others live.
Jesus sacrificed his life for us too. Because He died, our sins are forgiven.
And our lives are saved.
You are the light of the world,

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