November 10th, 2019

But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you.

1 Thessalonians 3:6

Childhood Memories

A recent birthday milestone seems to find me in a new season of life. A season of reflection would be an accurate description. Not that there haven’t been numerous reflections on life over the years. We’ve been sharing them for almost 15 years now. But most have been about life in general, not my life personally. However, in looking back in the archives, I came upon the second published Reflections dated January 9, 2005. Today we share Childhood Memories with you again.

For some reason as I sang the opening hymn in church I was reminded of my childhood and the first-grade program where I sang a solo.  In those days I had a pretty voice and my part in the program was to sing the English version of El Rancho Grande.

As I reflected on that time, I was struck by how impressionable I was as a child and how even such memories as that one lingers fondly almost 60 years later. The creator of that program probably had no idea that the memory of it would linger in the minds of the participants for a lifetime—but for me it did.

Most of the time, we have no concept that the impression that we are making in the lives of those we contact will produce lifelong memories; but when Jesus told us that we are the light of the world, these situations are what He was talking about. We all play a part in God’s great plan, however small it may seem, and the part we play is almost always connected to the impression that we make on those around us.

This day and this week may the impression that we make on the lives of those around us bring joy to them and glory to God’s kingdom.

Just as Paul and Timothy in Thessalonica, we make memories for someone every day. It seems important that those memories are good ones.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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