April 29th, 2018

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'  The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

Mark 12:30-31

Live Today

Live today. There’s really no other choice to make until God chooses for us otherwise. Living today sounds ridiculous—ridiculous that is until you face the question of what am I living today for?

To what will today be dedicated? God has a reason for life; and my life (and yours) is a part of it—an important part. It means life serves a cause. In the big scheme, the cause serves God. But specifically, each life, each person, came into the world to serve a purpose. And it’s not a part-time job.

I think most of us came into the world to create and nurture a family; then cultivate, develop, encourage, and provide for them. But today involves more than daily provisions for it.

Decisions today will make a difference to someone, or probably more than one. When something makes a difference, it leaves a mark on life, if not a detailed memory then an emotion relived when similar stimuli present themselves.

Making a difference is perhaps the common objective everyone wishes for their life. Yet, making a difference is unavoidable. Simply by entering the world, you changed it. A mother is born with the birth of her first child. Who she was before will never be the same again. In most cases, neither will the dad, not to mention brothers and sisters whose lives changed too when you came into the world.

Making a difference is a fact of life. The real question or challenge is not from being a difference maker but from living in such a way that it makes the life or lives of others better for you having been there.

Decisions today can contribute to that. Decisions always affect choices in how we live. How we choose to live either will or will not make life better for someone else. It might be summed up this way:

Love [others] as yourself. And when we do that, and because we do that, I think it conveys our love for the Lord God with all our heart, and with all our soul and with all our mind, and with all our strength.

It’s how we should choose to live today.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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