May 24, 2009
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Psalm 139:14
Wonderfully Made
McNair stood before the crowd and delivered his message in his own unique way. He had delivered the message many times before. He had a passion for it. “Your name is in God’s to do list,” he said, “and across from your name is the name of the person in charge of doing your part of God’s list; and the person in charge of doing your part of God’s to do list is sitting in your chair right now.” Then without a breath he lowered his voice, “If you don’t do you, you doesn’t get done and God’s to do list is incomplete!”
Now I might challenge McNair’s theology because God can get his to do list completed whether we do our parts or not; but I won’t challenge the point that God made each of us to be uniquely who we are. He made us with gifts to answer our callings.
God gave Adam and Eve gifts to answer their callings too, only they yielded to the temptation of a serpent in the garden. They met with failure when they tried to become more than God made them to be. So also can life’s challenges misguide us.
The challenges we face may not come from a serpent, but by some means Satan finds his way into our lives and convinces us that we can be different than God made us to be. Experience teaches us to fear the judgment of other people, and vanity seeks to hide the truth of who we really are. These and other forces guide us away from the way that God made us and they send us in pursuits that are not in God’s to do list for our lives. 
Many are those like a person close to me who chose a career that left little room for his creative talent. Our talents go untapped when we fear what someone else might think, yield to the wishes of an authority figure in our life, or succumb to the glitter of wealth that requires the use of our lesser gifts.
We can’t be different than God made us to be, but we can become all He made us to be. We become ourselves by using the giftedness God gave us, however meager and insufficient it sometimes seems to be. The psalmist reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God gave us the gifts to answer our callings. With the dawn of each new day comes the opportunity to reveal to the world just who God made us to be.
McNair stood before the crowd and delivered his message in his own unique way. He had delivered the message many times before. He had a passion for it. McNair was being who God made him to be using the unique gifts God had given him.
God’s beauty blooms in the world when you simply do you. When you do you, you answer God’s calling. When you do you, you reveal the glory of God.
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

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