March 27th, 2016

Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?

1 Corinthians 15:55

A Clear Day

On a clear day, rise and look around you and you see who you are.

On a clear day how it will astound you that the glow of your being outshines every star.

You’ll feel part of every mountain, sea, and shore you can hear from far and near

A world you’ve never, never heard before

And on a clear day, on that clear day, you can see forever, and ever,

And ever and ever more.

Now don’t the lyrics of that song written by Alan Jay Lerner capture the essence of Easter? On the clearest of all days, rise and look around. In the vastness of creation, the glow of your being outshines it all. The sounds of the world, its beauty and emotions come alive and God has blessed you to be a part of it all—not only a part of it, but a most important part.

On most days the immensity of the creation overshadows the sense of meaning we feel within it. But not today—a clear day. You and I are important enough to God that He sent Jesus to die for us! It is a clear day. Nothing on earth is more important to God than our living souls.

Today we stand atop the highest peak on earth and there before us is the hope and the splendor of life everlasting. Today we praise God for his love, a love so great that He sacrificed his Son, that whoever believes in him will have everlasting life.

Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?

It is a clear day. It is Easter.

Christ has risen. He has risen indeed!

It is a clear day

And we can see forever, and ever and ever more.

 You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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