March 30, 2008
I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
and I am saved from my enemies.
Psalms 18:3
Red Sea Places
It had been months since I had seen him, but there he stood in an unlikely place, a chance meeting with a dear friend. We had not talked in a while, but I knew he had been facing some difficult times. So, this impromptu meeting provided an occasion to catch up on his life.
Our chat went through the usual small talk stages, but finally we reached the heart of the matter. Here is the essence of what he explained to me.
“I feel a bit like Moses when he was leading the Israelites out of bondage to the Promised Land. It began with such hope, but trouble keeps rearing its ugly head. Like the Red Sea blocked the path of the Israelites, barriers have been thrown across mine. And just as the angry army prevented them from tuning back, I can’t turn back either. But I know I’m on the right path. All I can do is take the next logical step and wait.”
All the while my friend was sharing his story, my mind was observing his courage, acknowledging his commitment, but mostly admiring his faith. And as I thought about the path he was walking and the perils he faced, I recalled a poem that describes it best. It reads:
When you come to the Red Sea place in your life,
When in spite of all you can do,
There is no way back. There is no way around.
There is no other way but through.
Then wait on the Lord with trust serene
‘til the night of your fear is gone.
He will send the wave. He will heap the flood
And He says to your soul, ‘Go on.’
Then his hand will lead you through,
Clear through ‘ere the watery wall roll down.
He will still the wind. He will part the waves
When He says to your soul, ‘Go on’.[1]
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

[1] Red Sea Places, Author Unknown

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