December 14th, 2014

The wind blows to the south

and turns to the north;

round and round it goes,

ever returning on its course.

Ecclesiastes 1:6

Wind, Butterflies and Honey Bees

The wind is from the south today. Tomorrow’s forecast shifts it from the north. On other days it will come from the east or west. The wind blows differently each day—sometimes with hurricane force and other times as gentle as the softest snow flake. Its force can bring destruction at times; its wings sometimes carry the coldest air of winter and sometimes the heat of a blistering summer day. Just as postal carriers deliver the mail, God uses the wind to deliver the tenor of every season and mood of every day.

Round and round it goes, one day this, another day that, ever changing yet ever the same. It is, after all, always the wind, a part of life that sets more than a tone for each day. The wind remodels the earth by transporting elements of life and spreading them into new places. It carries the clouds that moisten the earth, cleanses the trees in season, and destroys valuable things to us, but for God it is site preparation for something new.

The wind is an instrument of God and so are butterflies and honey bees. More specialized than the wind, they help pollinate our world by connecting one part to another to sustain the beauty of the earth and the nourishment that life depends upon.

The behaviors of wind, butterflies and honey bees, along with instruments in many other forms, are deemed as nature. Nature is God’s orchestra. He harmonizes its many instruments into a symphony to serve his kingdom. God has written the musical score, Jesus is his conductor, and mankind is his concertmaster sitting first-chair violin.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to reflect the Savior, to cast his Light into the darkness of the world, and to love one another. From generation to generation we pass along what has been shared with us. Generation to generation tells the story of God who so loved the world that he gave his only Son; and of the Son, who being the very nature God yet came into the world in human likeness to sacrifice his life to save ours.

The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course, ever playing the symphony set to the story God has written. Jesus is the conductor. Mankind is his concertmaster called to play the symphony following his lead. In our time on earth, we are asked to, “Impress [it] on your children. Talk about [it] when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7) It is your time now.

It is the Way…         

You are the light of the world,


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