March 30th, 2014

Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious!

Psalms 66:1-2

In Pursuit of Joy

We watched in amazement as a line formed quickly. Curious people, anxious for excitement, seemed drawn to an unusual structure, but we soon learned the structure was not the appeal. The attraction was a young woman inside it dancing and waiving her arms with delight on her face as if something encouraged her actions.

The strangely shaped structure, built of thick transparent plastic, only prompted questions about its purpose to anyone passing by. Two plastic cylinders provided walkways into a bubble-like area no more than six feet wide and four feet deep. The bubble was the heart of the structure though there appeared to be nothing inside it. No strings hung from the top, no panels with gauges or levers, no benches or chairs; only uncluttered space. So what invisible prompting from within the plastic shell inspired the young woman to dance with such energy, imagination, and joy?

We watched in fascination as the line grew with people anxiously waiting their turn to discover the mystery the young woman had found. They lined up not because they wanted to dance, but they were seeking to find the magic that inspired her to do it. Finally her dance was finished and she walked away to make room for the next excited customer to find the joy.

But only disappointment fell upon them. The bubble contained no magic, no intriguing images, no enlightening experience, and no inspiring signals to respond to. What they had seen had been a fantasy. The young woman created the scene on her own.

We found it intriguing that so many people had been enticed into this unusual structure only to find no magic there at all. They were not encouraged by words or by the structure’s curious design. They were enticed by the energy, imagination, and joy they saw on the face of a young vigorous woman.

So, as we pause to think about this curious scene, there are some lessons to take away. People pay attention to the things we do. But the attraction is not so much the activities we choose as it is the joy they see in us when we do them. People are in pursuit of joy in their lives. Joy is the attraction.

People pursue happiness by chasing after things that are not fulfilling. The chase often proves only to be a fantasy.

Joy is found in Jesus Christ. People are not enticed toward him as much by our words or the architecture of our buildings as they are by the energy, imagination, and joy we display in our relationship with him. And when they follow, they will find no fantasy.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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