June 9th, 2024

"Behold the proud, / His soul is not upright in him; / But the just shall live by his faith."

Habakkuk 2:4 NKJV

Trust the Catcher

We still see them from time to time, trapeze artists performing their aerobatics with the same beauty and grace they had in the days of the traveling circus. These gifted performers swing high above the crowd making acrobatic handstands on swinging bars, performing daring twists and spins in aerobatic flight from the safety of one trapeze to the refuge of another.

But who would ever forget the sight of two high-flyers swinging in synchronized rhythm as one prepared to blindly leap not from one trapeze bar to another, but for the saving grasp of the other flyer. The thrill of the crowd is surpassed only by the confidence of the flyer—a confidence that may prompt an inquirer to ask, “What signal gives you confidence to leap from your own trapeze?”

“There is no signal,” the flyer replies. “I trust the catcher.”

In this life we live each day performing the twists and turns required of us. With pride in self-sufficiency, we often perform daring aerobatic flights from the security of one place to the refuge of another; but in the main event self-sufficiency won’t get the job done. In the main event we must let go of pride and blindly leap for the saving grasp of the Savior. And should anyone ask about the source of faith, the answer is simple.

Trust the Catcher.

“You are the light of the world,”

Richard +

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