August 28th, 2022

“Then you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

What is Truth?

That question of Jesus came from Pilate in John 18:38. I might ask it too. What is truth? Is it something factually correct, reality, or plumb? Or is it accuracy of a traditional belief? Dictionary definitions include these and more. Or maybe truth refers to Jesus himself who answered Thomas, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6 emphasis mine)

And from another perspective, what is there about the absence of truth that locks us into bondage? According to Jesus, truth is the key to freedom. Now we need to find the key. More accurately, we have the key. We must, not so simply, learn to use it.

 Most of us have felt the weight of bondage when we hide a secret about ourselves deep in our souls. We probably carry the burden of more than a few of them now.

I confess that John 8:32 has always been a bit perplexing to me. It has puzzled me because I have never felt a sense of freedom from learning the truth about something or someone. And neither have I felt freedom from knowing Jesus, (likely because I have learned more about Jesus than I have come to know him through personal relationship.) But there is still another way to read the passage.

Most of us have felt relieved after we confessed and apologized to someone for some wrong we have done them. So, I might rephrase Jesus’ statement this way: “I will tell you the truth and the truth will set me free.” A heartfelt apology expresses repentance and requests forgiveness, and truthful confession accepts responsibility for a wrong done. Freedom from wrongs done lifts burden from one’s shoulders. Truth lifts our burdens.

In Matthew 11:28 where Jesus invites us to, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” maybe it was his way to draw us near so…

“Then you will know the [Truth,] and the [Truth] will set you free.”

Think about it.

“You are the light of the world,”

Richard +

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