July 10th, 2022

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

John 14:27

Well With My Soul

“It is well with my soul.” These words whispered through the minds of all in the room as the ripple of piano keys streamed the melody of their grace. They rekindled a piercing sting in the hearts of some, emptiness of loss in others; but forgiveness and hope conquered both, and peace quieted their souls.

But where did the peace come from? Was it the same place that makes ripples from a flowing stream soothing, or the stillness of a lake in the dawn of a new day tranquil?  Restfulness of a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves comes from somewhere. Is it from the same place as cheerfulness from birds singing in the treetops, or the assurance of ocean waves lapping onto a deserted beach?

God thought of everything in the beautiful world He made. He thought of the sun for radiance, the moon for comforting glow, and glittering stars to adorn a darkened sky. The land, the sea, the grasses, and the trees decorate our lives with his grace. But also He made some things we can only feel.

He gave us joy that we might celebrate, sadness that we might grieve, sounds to stir our minds, and scents to savor the aromas of his creation. God gave us anger that we might rebel, and He gave us tenderness that we might forgive.

Free will is his design too, although He knew our choices would sometimes lead to heartache and pain. So He offered us comfort through music we play, songs we sing, poems we read, and the soothing sounds that surround our lives every day. And He gave us each other that we might love.

            So when pain sends its piercing sting into my heart, and loss empties life into the darkest cavern, I go in search of peace somewhere—a place to hear the river gently flow, birds chirping in the trees, and a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves. Then, with the faith of a little child trusting fully in the arms of those who gave it birth, do I discover God’s love alongside, bundled in the world around me all the while. In Him there is perfect peace.

And in God’s perfect peace, it is well with my soul.

You are the light of the world,


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