March 6th, 2022

Your word is a lamp to my feet

and a light for my path.

Psalms 119:105


The late Bryant Nelson, founder of the Bible Broadcasting Network (BBN), presented a daily radio segment called Take a Minute. After posing ideas to ponder, he concluded with a word from the Bible, “Selah!” he said. “Meditate on this.”

Today’s Reflections is more a note to readers about thoughts I need to meditate on. The word meditate suggests pondering about something endeavoring to understand it deeply. Now that thought makes me wonder if we should endeavor to meditate more on the Bible.

The Bible, God’s word, is so deep that no matter how much we dig in our lifetime, we never reach the bottom of it—there’s always more to learn—the widow’s oil that didn’t run out, and the five loaves and two fish that fed 5,000 men with more left over than they started with. The Bible never runs out of lessons to teach.

I wonder now if I’m using God’s word as a lamp to my feet. I need to meditate on this.

And here’s another thought to ponder:

What have I set about to do? Some of us set out to simply live on in the place we grew up, doing the things we grew up doing. And some of us choose to get away from all that to follow a new path to see where it leads. Either way though, somewhere deep down we want to look back one day to find our lives have made a difference. Somewhere and in some way, we want to leave meaningful footprints in the sands of time that endure in the world even after our footprints have washed away.

Is the Bible the source of light for the path I have chosen?  I need to meditate on this.

So in Bryant Nelson fashion, let’s conclude with a word from the Bible. “Selah!”

“Meditate on this.”

“You are the light of the world,”

Richard +

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