October 24th, 2021

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'

Matthew 25:21

Living Your Life

You do it every day. You can’t help but do it; and you will do it until your final breath. You will live your life. Oh, the myriad of choices that you make, countless numbers every day, some conform to God’s plan for you, some don’t. You walk your own journey through this world. And at the end, the mark you leave is uniquely yours. Think about it.

No matter the legacy, whether tangible or in spirit, it will reside in the many lives you touched—your life will have made a difference. Your life shapes the lives of those around you whose lives in turn shape the lives of those around them. Remember A Solitary Leaf.[1]

A solitary leaf flutters gracefully from an overhanging tree onto a pond’s glassy waters. It’s landing broadcasts silent ripples in all directions until they are seen no more. The leaf drifts about the waters for a time then sinks beneath the surface as silently as it came. Returned to its stillness, the ripples the leaf once made have had no lasting effect it seems—no difference was made from the leaf ever being there at all. – Or was there?

Ever so slightly, the water level changed. Something beneath the waterline will never be the same. And the countless numbers of tiny drops that bond into one large body of stillness have been rearranged in ways that no one may ever see. But all within God’s design as He shapes his world.

On a tree overhanging a pond somewhere, morning dew falls on new leaves and the freshness of their growth sparkle in the morning sun. A solitary leaf once grew where a fresh one now glistens; but time came for it to step aside to make room for those that follow. Its presence served its purpose though. Without it having been there, the tree would have adorned a little less beauty. From its nourishment, new life can thrive; and its departure made space for new leaves to flourish there. It is God’s design as He shapes his world.

Each life is like that solitary leaf, designed to be an instrument in God’s plan. And when the roles are played as He designed them to be, one day God will be heard to say,

“Well done, good and faithful servant!”

You are a solitary leaf.

You are the light of the world,


[1] Reflections May 5, 2013

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