September 13th, 2020

In his hand are the depths of the earth,

and the mountain peaks belong to him.

The sea is his, for he made it,

and his hands formed the dry land.

Psalms 95:4-5

Thoughts on a Rainy Day

Rainy days, the gentle kind, often bring such peace with them. Like soft music, they set a mood to read a good book, or watch a movie, or work on a family project gone unattended. And sometimes rainy days set a mood to simply think about the world God made and to feel his presence in it.

As I watch rain through the window, I feel God walking among us watering his garden. We are part of it, you know. I feel the warmth of his smile as He washes us clean with living water and I feel strength restored and my soul nourished. But you and I are only a small part of his beautiful garden.

It seems the rain changes the mood of the land and all that grows in it. It quenches thirst and renews growth. There is a smile on the face of the trees, and I hear them breathe the freshness in the air. Flowering plants unfold their leaves to receive relief from a drying sun, and a rush of pleasure moves through the grasses as their roots fill with new life.

God created such wonders in the world human minds can’t grasp its intricacies. Life in its many varieties is among them, but in so many ways there is sameness too.

Vegetation sheds its leaves in winter just as people shed their clothing each day to don garments for a good night’s sleep. It blooms in spring just the way we awaken to a new day. And it bears fruit in a relentless pursuit to propagate itself just as we feel driven to bring new life into the world. Then preparation begins all over again for another long winter’s nap. It’s all in the chase for life that God instills in his creation.

A small ivy plant sits in the window a few feet away from my chair. It receives ample water from loving hands, so the rainy day hasn’t changed its mood much. Its chase for life though is no less than its siblings outside. It may not need the rain, but it still seeks to live. Each day the ivy turns its leaves toward the window in search of light; and its siblings outside seek it too. Life depends on the light. Living things either reach to find it or turn away to escape it.

Light was God’s first creation. It is our greatest need.

And that’s what Jesus is.

You are the light of the world.”

Richard Ì

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