October 13th, 2019

Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. /We are the clay, you are the potter; /we are all the work of your hand.

Isaiah 64:8

Prayer for Life’s Journey

Life is a journey as a poet wrote: “Birth is a beginning/And death a destination.” But so much happens along the way—joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, strength and weakness, health and sickness, righteousness and sin to list only a few of them. Every day we watch those things happen to us and to others we know and love. Sprinkled with good days and bad, the journey through life is a blessing even through those difficult times, or maybe because of them, we are able to see how blessed we are.

So, let’s pause now to Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Gracious and loving God, we pause today amid the world’s great troubles to give thanks for all the ways you have blessed us in this life. You are always with us, shaping and reshaping us along our journeys through the world. Today, from youth to age, we find ourselves in various stages of life facing differing circumstances within them.

We pray for those young in their journeys as they feel their way through the joys of love found, new lives born to them, maturity sprouting from fresh responsibilities, and new burdens they learn to bear. You are with them always. May they forever feel your presence.

We pray for those living in their most productive years as they excel in their work and lead others around them. Their responsibilities are even greater than they know, and the unexpected challenges ahead will be heavier than they feel prepared to handle. Yet, you are with them always. May they forever feel your presence and continually seek your guidance.

We pray for those maturing in life as they move into advancing stages of their journeys. As the work of their hands yields to imparting their wisdom to younger generations, grant them discernment and patience knowing you are with them always. May they feel your presence.

We pray for those in all stages of life who suffer with failing health, weakened or disabling physical conditions, or pain from difficult times that cause life’s purpose to lose its clarity. But you have purpose for every condition we face in our journeys. We ask for clarity of purpose for them and for their sense of joy to have been called to serve you in such a way. You are with them always. May they feel your presence with them.

Gracious God, we have troubles in this world; but by your blessings, the glory of young men is their strength, /gray hair the splendor of the old. (Proverbs 20:29) From youth to age, you gave purpose to us all in our travels through this world. We are blessed that you are always at our sides. In Jesus name, we pray now to feel that blessing with us till our journey’s end.    Amen

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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