September 22nd, 2019

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

A Very Big God

In darkness so deep it concealed our feet from view, we made our way down a smooth gravel path toward Mt. McDonald’s open-air theater. Crisp cold air aided by a gentle breeze made our coats a welcomed possession. Even through the darkness our senses could picture the semi-circle of concrete benches around a podium where the program director would take his position. Any seating discomfort evaporated when our eyes rose to witness the majesty of the starlit sky.

Across its center the Milky Way painted a breathtaking backdrop for countless numbers of twinkling lights—more than we had ever seen with more yet to come. Then the show’s director aimed his strong laser beam toward the brightest star in the sky. Only it wasn’t a star, he explained. The sun had focused its own beam on Jupiter circling within our own solar system.

Across from Jupiter the director aimed his beam toward the familiar constellation we call the Big Dipper. He explained the constellation’s other names, a bit about the stars that composed it, and how two of its stars lined up with the North Star. And so the evening went with the director pointing to stars one by one and toward many of the constellations, all the while telling rich mythical stories about them.

The more the director told, the more awestruck we became. It takes a very big God to make the heavens and the earth—VERY BIG! Our grand and beautiful world shrinks to a granule within its vastness. Can we even imagine a God big enough to create a new star in the distance! Can we really imagine God flipping the on switch of that newly formed star then for thousands of years to pass before the first glimmer of its light reaches our eyes! We have a very big God.

Yet He is not so big that we are unimportant. We may only be tiny objects in the scheme of things; but you are special to him and so am I. Thoughts of how unimaginably large the heavens are help me see how very big and powerful God must be. And when I think about how tiny we are in relation to his creation; I realize that only a very big God would care about anything so small.

The wonder of the creation and life as we know it cannot be fully comprehended in this lifetime. But one thing is sure. We have a very big God who loves you and me so much that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Now that’s Big!

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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