April 8th, 2018

Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

John 3:3

Born Again…

Only this time from a stony grave, not a mother’s womb. From death on the first day to life renewed on the third; death overcome by life that first Easter day.

Death overcome by life anew. Jesus’ stony grave, the price of sin is paid in that cold place, darkness secured within its chilly walls by a heavy rock rolled to close the opening into it; the birthplace of grace as we have come to know it.

Still, with all security available to prevent escape from it, Jesus awakened inside. He stretched his arms and toes, swung his legs around and sat up on the edge of the cold bench where his lifeless body had been laid to rest. Then, not to leave the site unkempt, he folded his grave clothes neatly and stacked them where his feet had rested. Then, without disturbing anything inside or out, he emerged somehow into the garden to wait for Mary Magdalen to come in search of him. The price paid. Only, not everyone understood. Cleopas and his friend certainly didn’t.

Their walk to Emmaus began as a saddened journey home. Something had ended, something taken away but with mystery around it—a mystery filled with rumor, gossip even, of unlikely things the world had never seen. The pair walking back home seemed stunned by it all. Loss of an important person in their lives, of one who wasn’t supposed to die, left hearts empty, minds confused, and eyes wet. They scarcely gave notice to the stranger when he came alongside them along the way, the one who seemed out of touch with all that had happened. Then at dinner, the stranger blessed the bread, broke it and offered it to them.

Hearts filled, minds awakened, eyes cleared. Jesus stood with them. He had been walking with them most of the way. They gave little notice because it seemed beyond the realm of possibility. Stories they heard, rumors they were, even if true added intrigue but proved nothing—proved nothing until Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26)

Joy filled their souls. Life lifted their spirits. Christ has risen. Born again. And because He lives…

We can be born again too.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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