January 21st, 2018

"I am the way and the truth and the life."

John 14:6

New Ideas

Life grows on you. Growing not to make it more endearing or precious, though that can happen too; but growing wider, deeper, more complex. Our ever-expanding awareness, perspective, and understanding of the world grows through exposure to different places, more situations, but mostly, more people in their various circumstances and their reactions to them.

Standing in the midst of a large crowd where you can’t find the end of the humanity makes you aware of how many people are in the world. Every one of them sees the world through their own pair of eyes biased by the lens of their own circumstances, experiences, expectations, and hopes.

In the King and I, Anna introduced new ideas and cultures to the king of Siam. In the world he thought he clearly understood, she opened his eyes to different ideas:

When I was a boy, world was better spot / What was so was so, what was not was not 

Now, I am a man, world have changed a lot / Some things nearly so, others nearly not

There are times I almost think / I am not sure of what I absolutely know

Very often find confusion / In conclusion, I concluded long ago

In my head are many facts / That, as a student, I have studied to procure

In my head are many facts / Of which I wish I was more certain, I was sure

Is a puzzlement!

In some time and way, many become allies in the desire to make the world a better place. Most often though, we have differing views about something—something we want, something we fear, something we believe will be. Still, the quest goes on to unify, mostly seeking the betterment of all, loving your neighbor if you will, but still in the setting of self-survival. And self-survival is the first breaking point before coming to the next—what we believe is true.

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life”—only to most, Jesus and his words are not understood. Now, isn’t that a place the world needs to grow?

And isn’t that what Jesus has called us to do?

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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