October 29th, 2017

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Question of Faith

Decisions. Lots of them will be made today. Most will be routine, even unconscious, but decisions none the less. What to do or not to do, what to allow and what to reject, what to place faith in and what to distrust. There are thousands of decisions like these to make each day; and there is a basis for every decision we make.

Many decisions are based on experience. Some people slow down even when passing through a green light simply because they once saw someone run a red one. Some people will take a great risk for the thrill of it, others choose safe options to protect their security. Many rely on their own judgment, strength, or self-sufficiency because they gained confidence from past successes; while others look to God for help and guidance because they know he is there for them. We call that faith.

Hebrews explains, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Sure and certain are the defining words; yet we know of prayers gone unanswered (or so we think) and have faced situations when the invisible presence of God feels uncertain. Still there is the compelling call to believe in God and to place all hope in him. It’s a question of faith. Do we have enough?

But faith doesn’t require certainty that God will do what we want him to do or what we expect. Faith is dependence on the character of God—the certainty that God works all things for good for those who love him. (Romans 8:28) I recently heard someone say, “Faith is the handle by which we take hold of God’s promises.”

Still at times, most of us pause to question not only our faith but our belief. When questioning my own belief in God, I’ve tried to envision him out of my life. I’ve tried to see if I could dismiss him from my thoughts, from the realm of possibility. And I’ve tried to see the things of this world as my source of hope. Maybe you can do that. I can’t.

I can’t imagine this world without God in control of it. I can’t imagine my journey in this life without God’s guidance through it. I believe God knew me before the creation of the world; that I am fearfully and wonderfully made; that he has a unique purpose for me to serve while on earth. And I believe my travels through this world day by day are in preparation for the next life with him.

So, about all those decisions to be made today. They will be based on the question of faith; and I find the answer in the words from God himself.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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