June 4th, 2017

Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will direct you path.

Proverbs 3:5-6

God’s Hands

We pulled into a roadside overlook to find a dozen or so tourists fully embracing one of the many emerald scenes that define the beauty of Ireland. Among them sat a man on a rock facing the highway, away from the scenic view. His interest seemed more on the people around than the scenery; and we felt his eyes follow us into the parking area to tend to our severely damaged tire.

Stressed that I had damaged the tire, but more stressed about changing a tire on a rented car about which I knew little, I felt the man’s attention fall on me. Pretending to ignore his gaze, I removed the jack and positioned it where I thought it should go. I began to engage the jack, but before I progressed very far, I heard him say, “You put the jack in the wrong place.” He directed me to its proper location then resumed his spectator position. From there the installation went smoothly and with the spare tire in place, I turned to thank the man. Only he wasn’t there. He had silently vanished.

We knew even then and still believe now that God had placed his protective hand in just the right place and at just the right time. We gave thanks. And we know there have been other such times, some recognized and others unobserved, when God’s protective hand was there working all things for good. And those times do not always include a guardian angel or a Good Samaritan.

God’s hands showed up to help Joshua at Jericho and the walls came tumbling down, and on another day when the sun stood still. He was there when Elijah needed rain to fall and for iron to float. And Peter needed God’s hands to free him from behind a prison door. God has been there lots of times for you and me even when we didn’t notice. Still, we all seem to have trouble with this little matter called trust.

Recently, I watched in awe as a chain of distantly related events converged to build unity in a family in conflict. There were no heroic acts, or highly unusual behaviors from any party. Some people might choose to explain that the stars have lined up or a perfect wave rolled in. But I think God’s hands shaped it all. The family’s prayers for unity began many years ago, so I can’t help but wonder if the faith of those family members didn’t have something to do with it too. In their own way, I have heard many of them say, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not in your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.” They have.

And HE IS.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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