April 23rd, 2017

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

Living for a Dream

Living a dream. We have all heard someone say it. Maybe you have even watched someone doing it. When all seems to be good, prosperity abundant enough, family ties strong enough, friends loyal enough, and position admired enough, that’s living a dream.

Well, we don’t all live a dream. Few of us do. There’s always some part it that doesn’t seem complete, leaving something more to strive for. But I believe we all are living for a dream we have.

Each day offers a new challenge, something to work toward. And whatever we want to call that something we are working toward, it is the dream we are living for. Just think about it. Everyday provides an opportunity to pursue our dream. Your dream is the picture in your mind you are striving to achieve. Every decision you make is based on making that picture a reality. Each decision is intended to advance toward the outcome you seek, or to defend against something believed to take you off course from it.

The dream includes lots of small details that include family relationships you desire to have, a lifestyle you want to enjoy, and the love you want to share with others. And there’s at least one more thing—the legacy you want your life to leave. All these are imbedded in the dream you are living for.

Apostle Paul lived his life for a dream. He described it in a letter to his protégé, Timothy. In the letter, he urged us all to pray, intercede, and offer thanksgiving for everyone “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” And Paul’s dream included a committed to his lifetime purpose, being “a herald and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.” (1 Timothy 2:7)

Paul lived his life for his dream—life dedicated to a purpose to serve and a legacy to leave. He was clear about it. His purpose in life spread the Word to the world. His legacy left a protégé to carry on.

Just like Paul, you and I are living for a dream. So, let’s get clear about the purpose we serve and the legacy we want to leave. Living for a dream is a lifetime project. It is never complete until the day comes in your life that is not followed by another tomorrow. And since we never know which day that will be—

Let us put an exclamation mark on today!

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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