October 26th, 2014

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-25


Working for Jesus

The sound of our horn and the road noise from our speeding vehicle flushed a host of vultures from their scrumptious meal. They reluctantly abandoned their feast until the busy highway was free of speeding traffic; then they resumed their assignment. Yes, it was their assignment and they were good at it.

Most would agree that vultures would not be listed among the most beautiful of birds. In fact they might head the list of the most unattractive. And there is nothing beautiful about what they do either. There is little attraction to cleaning up road kill. But God didn’t make them for personal beauty or for the attractiveness of the job he gave them. He made them to keep the earth clean and sanitary—a task others would choose not to do. And they do their job well. They are not only thorough but they seem to enjoy it.

There are lots of jobs available that may seem unappealing to most of us. But glamour is not what work is about. Aren’t we blessed by those whose jobs sanitize and clean; and by those who put their lives at risk for our safety? And what about those repetitive menial tasks that offer little challenge to the mind. Then there are those who serve tirelessly for the benefit of others no matter the personal cost. Do they not honor God through their love and dedication?

Also there are those selected to set examples for those around them. Apostle Paul carried the burden of pain but chose to carry it to the glory of God. And about the man born blind, Jesus explained that, “this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me.” (John 9:3-4). And all around us we find those with heavy burdens of life to carry, and we often admire the dignity with which they carry them. They set examples that glorify God.

Go into all the world was the assignment Jesus gave to those who followed him. But the assignment he gave you and me may not be found in some place we have yet to go or in some job we have yet to perform. Our assignment is to work for Jesus wherever we happen to be and whatever is required to be done. It may not be where we would choose to be or what we would chose to do. And it may be an unpleasant situation or painful condition to suffer. But take heart. In them there is joy to be found. The joy of God’s assignments is not often found in the glamour of them.

Joy is found by working for Jesus to the glory of God.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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