September 21st, 2014

He answered: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

Luke 10:27

Living Today

Life begins at 40, so the saying goes. And there may be some truth that mid-life introduces a new phase of it. There comes a time when preparation shifts to performance, performance translates into knowledge, and finally knowledge transforms into wisdom. The phases define the progression of life—the maturation of body, mind, and soul.

From childhood through adolescence a vision of possibilities for life develops—a picture of life as it might be and the place each person has in it. The vision, framed by knowledge and experiences, captures the desires for self, loved ones, and the surrounding world. Those formative years are defined by youthful energy, active minds, and physical strength. But then the day comes when the reality for, or the possibility of the vision shifts its perspective from dream to responsibility. The time to make it a reality is at hand. Today is the day.

Yesterday is but a link in an ever lengthening chain of learning, growing, and experiencing life—the good of it and the bad of it. Tomorrow is still only a dream. There is no other choice but living today.

So, if life does begin at 40, then today I’m there with a few decades on top. I’m there because today is where life begins. The chain of yesterdays has brought me to where I am, but the yesterdays represent little more than memories today. And tomorrow, well there are hopes for it; but its reality is out of reach. Whether it will ever be at all rests in the hands of God. All that remains is living today and living it for God’s glory.

So I pray to be one of God’s faithful servants today. With the gifts he gave me, and the lessons he taught me, I pray to be one of his instruments in shaping his world the way he wants it to be. I pray to serve his children and to enlarge His presence in each of their lives. I pray to be a good husband, father, and grandfather. I pray that my life will be an inspiration to my family and that the provision for them will bring comfort.

I pray to be a resource to those seeking wisdom and truth. I hope to effectively enlighten others to grow in their ways, but especially in their relationship with God. I pray to be a solid and faithful friend—to provide counsel in times of trouble, relief in times of stress, and comfort in times of need.

And I pray for you to find joy in living today. May you will feel God’s presence alongside with every step you take remembering his promise, “I am with you always.”

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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