January 26th, 2014

“I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself.”

Exodus 19:4

On Eagles' Wings

From below, one can see its grace as it soars high above the waters. Its size and strength though are concealed by the distance; and no one expects that its penetrating eyes can focus on tiny details that others scarcely see from such a distance. Up close those sharp imposing eyes seem capable of piercing the body shield like x-rays, and the power of its seven-foot wingspan that looks like grace from a distance have the strength to lift prey heavier than themselves. Demanding control exudes from its being, but deep within its heart, loving compassion assures protection from the gravest of dangers.

Eagles are known to challenge their young to fly before they feel ready to do so. They are nudged from a nest resting high in a tree top above a river or coastline. The nudge, though unwanted, launches the new generation into the domain God intended them to subdue just as the Israelites were coaxed from slavery in Egypt to occupy a new land. But if the young are unable to fly on their own, the eagle swoops down to lift them up on its powerful wings till their strength renews to soar another day.

And in such a way God led his people from bondage in Egypt. The journey faced its perils, but He provided them food every day, water when the need arose, and shoes that did not wear out. Then once safely beyond the shores of the Red Sea, He reminded them, ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ (Exodus 19:4-6)

God brought us into this world and placed us in the domain he intends us to subdue. He pushes us from a comfortable nest before we feel ready to fly; but as we flail away at the air to sustain our flight, He glides, ever closely, ready to extend his strong and graceful wings to keep us safe until we place our hope in him. Then He renews our strength; we soar like eagles; we run and not grow weary. And we walk where He leads us to be and do not faint. (Adapted from Isaiah 40:31)

You are God’s treasured possession. He has given you a job to do. And when perils come He is there to lift you up on eagle’s wings to take you to himself.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +

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