June 16th, 2013

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Bigger than Life

Some people just seem to be bigger than life. Like the man wearing a ten-gallon hat when he steps into the room and captures everyone’s attention. His big Texas simile radiates into the spirit of all who see it; and whatever the mood had been before, everyone feels better because of his presence there. I should know. I was one of the many whose spirit was brightened by the life of Gaylan Schroeder.

Gaylan was a Will Rogers of our day—he never met a man he didn’t like. His magnetic personality drew everyone to him. And he used it for good. No matter the character or social status, Gaylan spotted the good in everyone. He gave them hope, lifted their confidence; and at least in some small way, made them better than they were before.

His way with people seemed so natural to him, but his experiences in early life could have shaped him otherwise. His father had made home life difficult. Physical abuse was a common experience in Gaylan’s boyhood years. If Gaylan felt love from his father, the physical abuse must have added an element of confusion to it. Yet Gaylan did know how to love and he loved with one of the warmest hearts I have ever seen.

Gaylan’s loving heart only grew warmer when Jesus came into his life. For the rest of his life he was on fire for the Lord and he wanted everyone else to meet him too. More than a few accepted Christ into their lives because of Gaylan’s unyielding faith in our Lord.

It is hard for me to imagine life in this world without Gaylan’s presence in it. He was one of those who seemed bigger than life. But Jesus must have needed him in heaven now. There probably was some love that needed sharing up there and Gaylan Schroeder is just the right man to do it.

As I draft these words, I realize that from time to time I find myself reflecting on the lives of people that have made a difference in my life. Gaylan Schroeder is powerful among them. I have chosen to write about him in honor of the difference he made and the light he brought to the world. I have chosen to write about him to remind myself how powerful love can be to those around us.

And whether or not you ever heard of this gentle and loving man, or felt his compassion for those in need, or witnessed the hope aglow as he lived out his life, I have chosen to write about him to remind all who read of the love he brought into the world that the love you bring into the world makes a difference too.

You are the light of the world,

Richard +