February 17th, 2013

In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.

Acts 19:20

Steeple's Skin

For almost 50 years the steeple claimed its throne atop my hometown church. It stood tall above the buildings and the trees as a landmark of a small town. Sheets of copper, darkened by time, formed the steeple’s skin to give it regal dignity as it beamed its continuous message of Jesus Christ to those passing by.

But the years took their toll on the stately spire. A weakened roof made it unrealistic to preserve the steeple’s stately place. So it was taken from its rooftop home to bring an end to its useful life. Only its life did not end.

An innovative church member looked upon the fallen spire and an idea formed. He salvaged the darkened copper skin to make small crosses as mementos for the members to have and to sell to raise funds. His idea gave new life to the once stately spire especially for those with sentimental affection to the memories of the church it served. But to one member the idea triggered another. It moved the steeple’s skin up a notch.

While driving his truck throughout the land, the member often stopped to help people in distress along the roadside. He thought if he had a few of the crosses made from the steeple’s copper skin, he could pass them along to those he helped as reminders of Jesus’ love for them. The project went well and he returned asking for 50 or 60 more!

Each time he gave one away, the trucker noted the spot on a map to mark the place a cross was given. Over time the marks dotted the map, north, south, east and west noting all the places the steeple’s skin beamed its gospel message.

Now the steeple no longer holds its place atop a small town church. But its message has beamed far beyond its original home into places it never reached before. Energized by a simple idea and built upon by another, the power of the steeple’s message has reached farther than anyone could have ever imagined.

Those of us who saw the steeple take its place on the rooftop so long ago mourned the removal from its throne. But what seemed like an ending became an inspiration for something new. Though not apparent at the time, it was “in this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.”

God brings changes to our lives for reasons we cannot see. We mourn change because we are unable to see God’s plan. But as one mission ends a new one lays ahead, one that will spread the word of the Lord in new ways and with even greater power.

And like the steeple’s skin, it will reach farther than one could ever imagine.

 You are the light of the world,


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