December 30th, 2012

…and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

Matthew 2:9-10

In Search of Life

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh filled their coffers, intellect packed their minds, and stars directed their destiny. But something was missing. It was life they were in search of, and they looked to the sky for astrological direction to it. One particular star captured their attention, so they set about to see where it led.

Most of us begin a new year with hopeful expectations, with renewed commitments, and with a spirit of wonder for what is yet to come. We attempt to wipe the slate clean and set out with fresh resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier foods, exercise more, be a better friend, husband and father, or wife and mother. But along with those resolutions we also have desires to pursue, and goals to attain in fulfillment of something that is missing. It is in search of life that we choose the paths we take.

The Magi were in search of life too when they chose to follow the star shining before them. Surely they had a picture of the desires they sought for themselves, their families, and others around them. They must have had other choices for the use of their time, other destinations they might seek, other parties to receive their gifts. But the Magi chose to let go of their own desires and follow the hope they found in the star that God had placed before them. They found the strength and endurance to follow its path no matter how long and arduous the journey. It led them to the fullness they had been in search of all along. It led them to the Christ Child.

As a new year begins, may we too let go of our own desires and follow the hope found in the star that God places before us. May we find the strength and endurance to follow the path no matter how long and arduous the journey. For just as it led the Magi, the path God places before us will lead us to the fullness we have been in search of all along. It will lead to the Christ Child.

And in him we find the way, and the truth, and the life.

 You are the light of the world,


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