July 29th, 2012

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Isaiah 55:12

Chain Reactions


The breeze blew briskly across the yard, briskly enough to discourage the pesky mosquitoes that often chased me indoors. The breeze cooled the hot evening and inspired a scratchy tune from a single locust hidden atop a nearby tree. His song prompted a chorus of response from other trees across the way and the noise disrupted the serenity of the dusk. I wondered if the choral response answered the first call or if they were simply mocking their fellow traveler. Then as suddenly as the sounds began, the trees silenced. Only the breeze blocked the quiet again; but my mind still danced with wonder.

The entire world is driven by response to the environment around. The breeze discouraged the mosquitoes and their absence made for a pleasant evening; the locusts sang songs in turn to one another; and my mind danced with wonder. Each in response to the other, I was witness to one of nature’s chain reactions.

Weekends bring out vendors that are not around much during the week. One of them has a thriving business selling garden plants on a neighborhood street corner. Crowds come to buy her goods at the open air storefront central to several residential areas. Meanwhile at other busy intersections blocks away, vagabonds wearing billboards encourage travelers to visit the plant store down the way.  Some people do, but almost everyone passing by the sign-carriers take note and become aware of the place to go when they are in need of living decorations for their homes. A chain reaction in progress.

Each of our lives is a part of the chain. Everything we ever do or say brings a response. Harsh words injure feelings; forgiveness restores relationships. Smiles produce other smiles and sometimes even laughter. Giving encourages generosity; helping hands lead to thankfulness. Small acts begin chain reactions.

Our very being is a link in the chain that shapes the lives around us. We all make a difference. A brisk breeze chased a pest away and made an evening pleasant; a locust sang it’s gravely song and awakened the trees around it. A struggling vagabond carrying a billboard on his chest encouraged travelers to make their way to an open air storefront down the road. And when our lives reveal the love of Jesus Christ…

Well, we just might be the beginning a chain reaction.                                                                                                  

You are the light of the world,


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