December 11, 2011
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
Uniquely Made
Yesterday I looked to the sky and saw rays of golden sun splashing from behind clouds that covered its face. It was mostly gray but clouds were broken just enough to allow streaks of sunlight to brighten the hope for a beautiful day, for the setting before me was already beautiful.
Today will be different. Each today always is. Like people, no two are ever quite the same, even if some may appear so. The infinite variety in God’s creation is a wonder to me. Just look at the sky today. What you see is unlike any other time, and when you take another look, it will be different still. Unlike the claims of the writer of Ecclesiastes, everything is new in God’s creation—all uniquely made.
Pause to look at people around you. Observe the lines on their faces, the shade of their eyes, shape of their noses, and color of their hair. Something about the combination of those features is different than anyone ever before. And if the similarities are too close to tell apart as with identical twins, then there will be something else that makes them unique. Their voice will not have the same pitch, their skill levels will not be identical, their knowledge and ability to gain it will not be equal. And no one shares exactly the same perspectives of life. The life experiences that shape them are uniquely made.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made, for God has prepared no two things the same. No one else has wrinkles exactly like yours; God designed yours just for you. No one else has a nose exactly like yours; God crafted yours just for you. And that bald spot that began to appear over the years. Well, for you it has been uniquely made.
I look at the sky today. Through damp and heavy air all I can see is its grayness. The scene is quite familiar; but I know that something makes today unique. Today is one the Lord has fearfully and wonderfully made; and you are too. For [you] are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10). And it doesn’t matter what anyone else may think.
You are the apple of his eye.
You are the light of the world,

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