September 11, 2011
Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21
Twists of Fate
"I don’t think you comin’ here was an accident." The line is from a movie but maybe it applies to the events of everyday life. There are coincidences almost daily and we brush them off as if they were merely twists of fate. But there is little doubt that whatever may occur in life, what is learned from it is no accident.
Take the scene in the movie, Seven Days in Utopia, where a distraught golfer takes his eye off the road while passing through a small town only to find himself crashing through a fence into a cow pasture. Seemingly it was a careless accident that brought him to that place, but what happened next was life changing.
The golfer was on the run from an embarrassing event when the accident occurred. A mental meltdown while playing the final holes of a golf tournament left him in shame. His failure made him feel unworthy of life. But the accident forced him to pause for a while, and what happened during that pause changed the way he would play the game. More importantly, what happened during that pause changed the way he would live his life.
From an unlikely source in an unlikely place came lessons of commitment to a purpose, stability of emotions, and the willingness to break from tradition no matter how others might view it. And he learned that in success or failure the game does not define who a person is.
But it was only a movie. Well maybe so. But how often do we face those kinds of challenges in our lives. And how often do we define ourselves by the way we perform on the field; and how often do we find lessons from unexpected twists of fate.
Well I don’t think we find ourselves in those places by accident. God brings us to places in our lives to teach us and to shape us for his purpose.
So, if one day soon you find yourself sitting in a movie theater absorbed in the many life lessons taught by Seven Days in Utopia, you will know that you are not there by some twist of fate.
You will be there because the Lord’s purpose has prevailed.
You are the light of the world,

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