April 24, 2011
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
John 1:29-30
Little Lamb
Boys don’t often admit it, and maybe this is my first time to do so, but as little children most of us had a treasured object that gave us comfort. For Linus it was a blanket, for some it may have been a raggedy doll, but I remember a stuffed toy animal that I called Little Lamb. There was something about its cottony coat that was soft, comforting, and warm. I especially liked the softness of its ears and I’m sure there were many nights I fell fast asleep while rubbing them with my fingertips.
Like most toys, Little Lamb finally became worn and tattered. The threads that bound its seams became frayed and too weak to hold its stuffing. I remember that I cried and begged Mom to repair it. But she told me she couldn’t; or she didn’t. So Little Lamb was cast away and lost to me forever.
I think back fondly and perhaps longingly about Little Lamb. It made me feel secure in my bed and gave me comfort in my sleep. And through it I felt the inestimable love of my mother and dad. I think that is the reason I remember it so fondly now.
Today is Easter and another Lamb has become a part of my life. He is the Lamb of God; and just like the toy lamb that gave me comfort as a little child, I feel his softness and warmth. Because of him I am secure in each day and I sleep comfortably each night. Through him I feel the inestimable love of my Father. But unlike my childhood toy, the Lamb of God will never wear out or become only a memory. He is real.
And He lives.
You are the light of the world,

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