December 26, 2010
When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
Luke 2:17-18
Stop Look and Listen
They must have been so astonished by the star prominently lighting the sky that they stopped what they were doing. Perhaps they were so amazed by the brightness of the light that shown about them that they were drawn to look toward the heavens and listen. There from on high they heard angelic voices telling them of a royal birth; then, in the wonder of it all, they went to see for themselves. They were so moved by all they had seen and heard that they went to tell others about the birth of the Holy Child. But they could have chosen to do none of it.
The world might be different today if the shepherds had ignored the star. The light that shown around them could have gone unnoticed and the sound of angelic voices from on high might have gone unheard. But the shepherds did stop; they did look; they did listen; and they went to witness the birth for themselves. Then they found themselves cast in the unlikely role of messengers of the good news. And the world is better for it.
Yet not everyone paid attention to the star. Did they not stop to see its brilliance? Not everyone was drawn to the light. Did they not look for what it revealed? And not everyone heard angelic voices in the heavens. Did they choose not to listen to the news that would change the world?
So we are left to wonder. How many may have seen the star but didn’t want to alter their busy schedules? How many may have been enveloped by the light but didn’t take the time to look for what God had placed around them? How many may have heard sounds from the heavens but chose not to listen to the good news? How many may have heard the good news but failed to go see for themselves? How many may have gone to see the Holy Child as the shepherds did, but failed to tell anyone else about it?
Stop, look and listen. How much better the world would be if more of them had.
Stop, look and listen. How much better the world could be if more of us did.
You are the light of the world.”

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