August 8, 2010
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalms 19:1
A Prayer of the People
Gracious God, each day we see your presence all around us—your power and your love. Yet the magnificent world you created has been invaded by more trouble than we can bear. So we come to you today as one body of your universal church. We come as a weak and troubled people to ask for your help and guidance as we try to sort through and cope with the horrors of wars fought throughout the world, diseases that bring suffering to millions, and poverty that prevails in so many parts of your beautiful creation. We ask that you grant comfort to all who suffered loss, healing to those who suffered physical and emotional harm, and understanding to all of us who watch in astonishment as evil tries to possess the world you created for us.
Our country was founded on faith in you. Without you, dear Lord, we are a weak nation. We pray for the faith on which we were founded to be strengthened in our hearts and minds that we may once again become a living example of the might of one nation under God. Guide the leaders of our country, our states, and our cities to make sound decisions that will always be in keeping with your will. But most of all we pray that your peace and your love may be rediscovered throughout our land.
Loving God, help us all to grow in your ways and to learn more and more about your word. Help us individually and as a whole to grow in your spirit and to use the giftedness that you bestowed on us to serve your kingdom. Use each of us as your vessels for renewing minds and redeeming lives. With the steadfast love of your Son, Jesus Christ, use us as your instruments to bring life and joy into the minds of children and youth whose lives we touch. Use us as a reflection of the Savior into the lives of our neighbors, those in our work settings, and to everyone we meet. Through your guiding hand use our lives to bring glory to your kingdom.
The heavens declare your glory oh God; the skies proclaim the work of your hands. May our lives declare your glory, and may our work always be the work of your hands.
We pray these things in the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus the Christ.
You are the light of the world.”

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