July 18, 2010
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16-17
Made by Love
Today I paused to reflect on God and the world He created around us. I was touched by what I saw and moved by what I felt. And I stopped to pray.
Gracious God,
How blessed we are by your love. Without your love all that is would not be. From your love you created the world, made heaven, and man was born. For all our days on this earth you provide a beautiful home for us. Beneath the canopy of sunlit blue brightening the day and starlight winking its smiles at night, powerful seas expose your strength, and sounds of foam-capped waves splashing on sandy beaches reveal your peace. Flowers bloom at the base of rolling hills and paint their colors across the plains. Rivers and streams amble their way through passages of snow-peaked mountains on their way to replenish the wavy seas.
Each day is made by love. The orange glow rises from beneath a dark horizon to mark a daily beginning and sinks to the place it began to signal the time for rest. Meanwhile birds sing in harmony with gentle breezes to provide the musical sounds of life. Food you provide sustains us, waters refresh us, animal life entertains us, and brothers walk alongside us. All that we have and all that we are you made by love.
Through your love we feel your presence. It indwells us so we might share it with others. Even when we fail you, your love for us is not lost. We are made by love that is so forgiving that you sacrificed your Son that we might live.
Your love gives us faith and faith gives us hope. And when we love like you, patience and kindness prevail in our lives. We do not lie, envy is no more, and we have no more boastfulness or pride. We are not rude, self-seeking, or easily angered. These are qualities of your love that we are incapable of giving unless you live within us.
The whole world is yours, made by love. In love you made us in your image. With your love you have blessed us. Love is who you are. Love is how I want to live.
 Gracious Lord, please live in me.
You are the light of the world.”

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