October 11, 2009
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
Painful Calling
The fear must have been intense and the wait interminable. I can’t imagine what it was really like for the parents waiting outside Columbine High School the morning shots rang out across the land. Some parents found their children safe. Darrell and Beth did not. Surely, painful tears flowed down their faces when they heard the news. Surely, their hurt caused them to pause with questions of why me, why Rachel, why anyone? Empty and lost they returned home in search of the meaning of life, the meaning of their lives.
In the days that followed, Darrell and Beth must have done what everyone must do after the loss of a loved one. They had to close what remained of Rachel’s life. And in doing it, they were astonished by what they learned. They learned who their daughter really was, the depth of her faith, and the way she found God working in her life. They found answers to their own questions, and they found a new calling. It was a painful calling. It was a calling they would have never chosen, and it was a calling that would reach farther than they could ever dream. It was a call to tell Rachel’s story.
Rachel’s Tears is the book authored by Beth Nimmo and Darrell Scott. The book was inspired by their daughter’s death; but it is the story of her life—who she was, how she felt, and the ways she discovered God’s hands working through hers. It is a story Rachel wanted to tell herself, but God had another plan, larger, more powerful.
Speaking invitations came from across the land to Rachel’s parents. The invitations were issued for them to tell of the tragedy of the Columbine shootings. The invitations would not have come otherwise. Their talks painted a vivid picture of that infamous day, but more importantly they carried the message of Rachel’s Tears—a message of faith, a message of hope, a message of living life for God.
Teens and parents of teens crowded into large venues to hear the story. And they carried away far more than expected. They came to hear of a tragedy. They left with an inspiration. Before their eyes they saw hope conquer adversity, they saw faith overcome disappointment; they saw God’s work in the midst of catastrophe. They heard Rachel’s remarkable story of God working in her life, and they left finding God working in theirs.
Sometimes callings come through blessings we have. Sometimes callings come through blessings taken away. The Columbine tragedy was a painful calling to Beth and Darrell. They lost their precious child. But they answered the call and glorified God.
In this world we will have trouble; but if we answer its call we can glorify God.
You are the light of the world.”

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