August 30, 2009
Come near to God and he will come near to you.
James 4:8
Quiet Ones
Over the years I have learned to pay attention to quiet ones like Ruth. She didn’t speak up very often, and when she did, the wisdom of her words was often disguised by the softness of her voice. But I have learned that the quiet ones can be the staunchest supporters, and usually exert notable influence. So it was with Ruth. She was seldom in charge, yet often in control, and always there when needed.
Ruth was the mom of a dear friend and through the cobwebs of my mind, I will always remember a time as little boys that Ruth took Tom, Robert and me to a cattle branding at one of their family ranches. After a time, our little trio grew restless watching the cowboys at work and we were lured from the safety of our surroundings and wandered into a nearby pasture in search of some new adventure. We found one.
Along our chosen path we came upon a rattlesnake coiled to strike. Our steps took us too close and the snake struck angrily at Tom’s tiny leg. Only his boot top protected him from the fangs’ lethal venom. The strike spooked us into a dead run deeper into the pasture with no clear destination. When we stopped to catch our breath, we discovered that we had lost our way. Still frightened, we wandered aimlessly for a while through the mesquite brush in search of something familiar that might guide us home. Then just before panic came, Ruth appeared on horseback to lead us safely home. It seemed as if she had been watching all along. Ruth was never far away and always there when needed.
That day three little boys were glad to be back within the safe walls of home. I remember us sitting around reliving the terrifying moment with the snake. We examined Tom’s boot, but were afraid to touch it in fear that the snake’s venom might be present on it. It took a while for me to settle down from that episode, but by bedtime I placed my head on my pillow for a restful sleep.
Memories of that day so many years ago still live vividly on. It was a terrifying adventure, but it also offered a lesson in life. Each day presents temptations that can lure us from the safety of our surroundings. Danger is never far away, and the deeper we wander, the more lost we become. But God is watching all along.
He is a quiet one. God is never far away and always there when needed.
You are the light of the world.”

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