May 17, 2009
(From the Archives of May 21, 2006)
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.
Psalms 78:4
Look at Me Now
Graduation season is marked by its days of celebration. There is party after party, but none are more significant than the Prom. Everyone looks forward to it. For the Prom, students put their best foot forward to be the best that they can be.
Preparation for the Prom is part of the fun—finding just the right thing to wear in just the right color and the proper fit. The hair must be just right and the girls are even more meticulous about their makeup. And when it all comes together everyone wants to capture the transforming moment in pictures that say, “Look at me now.”
Apostle Paul must have said the same thing after his Damascus Road experience. His story must have been the subject of tent talk almost every day as he remembered his life as a zealous Pharisee leading to the moment he was struck down by the Light of the World. And Paul’s story would surely end with his version of, “Look at me now.”
That is also what takes place at Victory Fellowship. Victory Fellowship celebrates everyday when the residents recall the transforming moments in their lives—stories that end with those same words, “Look at me now.”
While those at Victory Fellowship are being equipped to be leaders for Jesus, they find that the simplest way to begin is by telling their own stories. It is an easy thing to do. Besides who else can tell it better. And is there anything that we have that is more powerful than our own stories—especially when it ends with, “Look at me now.”
Pastor Freddie uses that technique to make shepherds from a flock of sheep. Yes, he teaches them the Bible. He wants all of them to know it well. He wants them to be prepared to speak of it and from it. But Freddie knows that the most powerful story that most of them can tell is the transforming story that they personally lived. It is powerful because it is true. It is powerful because of the wonders of the Lord. It is powerful because in some way almost everyone that hears it will hear their own story too.
Each of us has a story to tell. It is one about our own transformation. It is powerful because it is true. It is powerful because of the wonders of the Lord. And everyone that hears it will in some way hear their story too. Your story tells who you were until that transforming moment came along the way. It’s your story. It’s your version of, “Look at me now.”
You are the light of the world.”

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