February 10, 2008
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18
Talents Unveiled
On further review has become a familiar phrase associated with instant replays. Instant replays provide a chance for second looks into scenes that have flashed fleetingly through our lives. They provide opportunities to affirm or correct our impressions of events we watched, but they also offer the prospect to capture parts of the scene that had gone unnoticed. So it has been on further review of my recent trip to a Christian writers’ conference.
Previously I shared some takeaways from breaking bread with other participants there. It was uplifting to hear their stories and feel their fervor when they told them. It was inspiring to experience the love they had for Jesus and the passion to tell the Gospel through the gift of writing. But on further review, I discovered more.
Almost all of them turned pro at something other than writing; yet, they unveiled their talent in personal ministries that used their gift to share the Gospel. As I reflect on them, I am reminded of others that have unveiled their God given talents in personal ministries but who make a living from something else.
I am reminded of how Bono uses his rock-star status as currency to open doors for the Gospel to be heard around the world; and of Buddy and Jeff, the music makers that sing the word of God into the hearts of audiences throughout the land. I am reminded of Bora, the tailor, whose ministry was to make people feel good about themselves with well fitting clothes. I am reminded of Frank’s shoeshine stand that serves as his pulpit for the conversion message. I am reminded of Philip, the homeless man that uses his Santa Claus looks to share the love of Jesus with children in need. I am reminded of Polly’s passion for building libraries in Honduras so the underprivileged may read and learn.
God calls us all into ministry regardless of the jobs that provide our livings. He blessed us with talents for those ministries if we will only unveil them. And when we use them we are transformed into the likeness of our Savior with ever-increasing glory.
Talents unveiled, we reflect the Savior.
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

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