October 21, 2007
And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
2 John 6
Letter Jackets
Even after all of these years, the letter jacket still hangs in the closet. It seems to have shrunk several sizes with the passing years, so it is never worn; but the letter jacket still remains a trophy piece—a brag rag kept to impress children and grandchildren.
Letter jackets seem really important. They symbolize achievement and provide identity. The letter is the main thing. Its color reveals the school represented, and the stripes on it specify the number of times it was earned. Then there are the patches that signify other personal and team successes like All-District, All-Region, and State Finalist. And with all of those textile trophies sewn on, letter jackets can serve as walking billboards when they adorn the shoulders of a favorite girl.
Letter jackets are a source of pride to all who earn them. They mark victories in a special era of one’s life, but after high school there are new trophies to pursue. Your promotion that is published in the paper, your name on the door of the business office, your picture taken with an admired celebrity, these are all trophies that find their way to prominent places of display. They tell people who we are and all we have done.
My letter jacket is still an important trophy to me, but no one else cares much about it. None of my children have asked to inherit it when I pass on. It may have given me a sense of identity at one time in my life, but it does not represent the mark I want to leave on the world. Neither are those other trophies very important. No one much cares about the promotion that was published in the paper, or that my name was on the door at the office, or that I have autographed baseballs from notable major league ball players. My legacy is the love I give to the people in my life. It is the legacy our Lord left us.
Jesus said, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)
Love is a legacy we can all leave. It reveals our Lord and Savior. And unlike our letter jackets, it won’t hang shrinking in the closet. It will endure and grow into walking billboards when it adorns the lives of all who received it. Our love will be the most prized inheritance we can leave our children. It’s the greatest mark we can leave on the world.
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

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