June 24, 2007
And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God’s friend.
James 2:23
God’s Friend
Oscar was a friend of mine. A friend is one to whom a person may turn in time of deepest need. Most of us don’t have many of those. Though I never had to turn to him that way, I knew I could. I suspect that there are a lot of others who felt that way too. Oscar was a friend to almost everyone that ever met him.
A holocaust survivor, Oscar Ehrenberg lived life majestically yet he was one of the dearest most humble men I have ever known. He was an investment banker by trade, but my best times with him were on the driving range. Often I would find myself practicing next to him. I would strike up a conversation while he hit balls with the same determination that he lived his life. Sometimes we would follow our practice sessions with a leisurely nine holes. I always looked forward to those times.
He was a survivor and survivors have a resolve that most others just don’t have. He lived through the worst of times, moved to a foreign land, learned a new language, received his education, and lived the American dream. But his mission in life was to be a friend. He was there when one of my sons went through a difficult period in his life. Oscar lent a listening ear and lifted my son’s spirits in just the right way. He was a friend just when one was needed. And he helped others too. They may have been the poor; they may have been the hungry; or they may have been the sick. Oscar was there for them.
Oscar was proud of his Jewish heritage, yet no one was surprised to find him visiting a Christian Bible study or attending a Christian worship service on a given Sunday morning to support one of his many Christian friends. He believed in God and he was a student of the Christian faith. Oscar knew the life of Christ; and he studied the life of Paul and how the Gospel was spread throughout the world.
From the life of Oscar Ehrenberg we learn to live life with gusto, courage and hope. Oscar believed in God and, like Abraham before him, I think it was credited to him as righteousness. And He will be remembered as God’s friend.
What a way to be blessed.
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

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