June 10, 2007
And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us…
Romans 5:2-5
Message of Hope
The Voice of America beamed the message of freedom during World War II. The airways penetrated enemy lines to spread the message that victory was within reach. It was this message of hope that inspired the underground to persevere and to become the beacon of light to millions suffering from oppression and persecution. From those relentless efforts many escaped death and emerged into lives of freedom.
The power of the message of hope during those war years came to mind as I reflected on the life we celebrated this past week. Jeanene Johnston was a beacon of light to the world too. Many watched as her suffering produced perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. She sent the message not only by what she said, but by how she lived. She laughed when complaint was expected; she smiled when pain was apparent; and she spoke love when resentment was justified. She was a beacon of light for Jesus Christ and his message of hope.
But those of us who live with less suffering and require less perseverance send a message of hope too. We may not endure 20 years of life with cancer ravaging our bodies as Jeanene did, but we all do have difficult challenges that we must face every day. And the manner in which we meet those challenges can send a message of hope to someone.
The Voice of America was powerful during World War II because every person in the underground became individual beacons of light and hope; and without them many lives would have been lost to death and despair.  Each of us is a beacon of light and hope to those around us. The message we beam comes not only by what we say, but by how we live. The laughter we bring when complaint is expected; the smiles we offer when pain is apparent; and the love we share when resentment is justified, these are the beacons that beam the message of hope. From the message we send in daily life many will escape death and will emerge into life everlasting. And the part you play, well…
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

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