April 8, 2007
Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."
Revelation 21:5
Newness of Life
There is something about a new pair of shoes that always brings excitement to my grandsons. The activities they most enjoy are sports related, so athletic shoes seem to bring them the most pleasure. I don’t fully understand how shoes can bring such excitement to them but I think it is this. New shoes make them feel new too.
Springtime makes me feel that way. Around our home, trees are budding with tender greenness; and from our back porch we can see fields of bluebonnets quilted among trees and other flowering plants offering an air of newness throughout our neighborhood.
And beyond the bounds of our city there are other signs bursting forth in new life. Velvet-like grass blankets the soft rolling hills of Augusta National Golf Club where the Masters is played each year. Colorful azaleas join with blossoms of dogwood and flowering magnolia trees to cast their elegance along the fairways of one of golf’s most beautiful settings. There too is the freshness of spring and the newness of life. The blossoms of spring carry the taste of new hope—the savor of the future.
Easter brings the same new hope. It’s like my grandsons’ new shoes. Easter makes me feel new too. The newness adds vigor to my step. There is an awakening to a new day and a conquering of the dormancy of winter—like overcoming death.
Christ has risen. He has risen indeed. All things are made new.
And with the risen Christ, we are made new too.
You are the light of the world.”
Richard Ì

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