January 7, 2007
Show me your ways, O Lord,
Teach me Your paths
Psalms 25:4 NKJV
God’s Fingerprints
The words of the Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard ring with such accuracy: “It is perfectly true, as philosophers say, that life must be understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition, that it must be lived forwards. God does not provide us with clear vision to see ahead. We must take those steps by faith. But the path before us can become clearer when we look at where we have we have been.”
So, as we venture into a New Year and before our venture takes us very far down the road that lies ahead, it seems fitting to first look back at what brought us to this place in our lives. And when we trace our steps down the path we came, we will find that God’s fingerprints are everywhere.
As the eyes of my memory journey back down the path I have already walked, I see God’s fingerprints in the blessing of my family as we walk together in unison to serve our risen Lord. I find God’s fingerprints on a simple phone call to an old friend. The encouraging words I gave him may have meant little to my friend, but from that phone call doors were opened to me that completely changed the direction of my own life.
I discover God’s fingerprints as I faced life threatening cancer over ten years ago. His fingerprints are all over the blessing of life I have been given since then; but I also find God’s fingerprints in the way the battle with the disease prepared me to help others through the various trials in their lives.
I discover God’s fingerprints on the family business that I grew up in, and in the leadership positions I have been called to fill. I find them in relationships, old and new, that prepared me for things I never pursued. I see them in the blessings of my life and I see them in the troubles that I have encountered. I see them on the pieces to the jig saw puzzle of life as they fit together in unimaginable ways.
When you look back at the paths you have walked, you probably discover God’s fingerprints too. And perhaps the discovery of God’s fingerprints along your journey has strengthened your faith as it has mine. When we see God’s fingerprints along our way, the steps that we take down the paths that that lie before us become clearer. And whether we see where God is leading us or not, our steps may be taken in faith, for we know He is with us “even to the end of the age.”
 “You are the light of the world.”
Richard Ì

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