November 19, 2006
I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26
Showers of Blessing
The middle-aged couple sat in the stillness of their back porch gazing into the vast beauty of the hills beyond them. On most days this was a sanctuary of serene quiet, away from the bustling noise that defined their lives. But this day was different. On this day the cloud of profound loss hovered over them. All they had worked for was gone. The dream they had been living was no longer to be. And the sounds of that dream that brought life to their beings each day had been silenced, perhaps never to be heard again. Surely it was a time of mourning or even anger arising from the unfathomable disappointment that life had dealt them.
Only a ringing phone from inside the house broke the stillness. “How are you doing?” the compassionate caller inquired. “We are doing fine,” the couple answered. “We are sitting on the porch counting our blessings, showers of blessing.”
For most of us, it is not so easy to look past our misfortunes and disappointments to find showers of blessing as this couple did. Especially at this time of year, we remember good times that we wish to relive again, and the loved ones that we no longer have near. We remember the laughter we shared and the presence of love that came from those around us. These blessings that used to be can blind us to all the blessings that are today.
God showers us with blessings everyday, blessings we sometimes fail to notice. We can grieve over what once was or things that may never be only to be blinded to all that we have. We forget that memories are blessings too. We overlook what God has given us today. He provided food, shelter and clothing. He gave us freedom to choose even though we are not strong enough to choose wisely. When we fail, He saves us into everlasting life through his son, Jesus Christ. He gave us our very being. And He gives us his everlasting love.
What greater blessings would we ever need.
You are the light of the world.”
Richard Ì

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