September 10, 2006
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me
Galatians 2:20
Christ’s Life in Us
Last week’s topic presented a challenging question, Provision or Purpose? The answer is hidden behind a critical look into the point of our work and how the fruit from it is used. Responses from some of you that found the topic helpful were gratifying. One of those responses added a dimension to the message that really should be shared. So with permission of its writer, we share the following:
… We often confuse the work we do with the ministry that Christ wishes to accomplish through us.  His Life in us can do that through attitude and how we treat each other.  He can bring compassion to the work site, and work ethic for a job well done.  But, at times, we think that the work is the ministry—it is not.  Ministry is the outpouring of Christ’s life united with my spirit manifesting itself through me—my God given abilities, giftings, personality.  Sometimes my work expresses Christ, sometimes selfish fleshly ambition.  However, work can express Christ’s life in us.  As we use what we know to help others, to encourage, to teach, to build up, to put the needs of other’s above our own.  If the motivation behind my work is Christ….If I work for Christ, out of Christ, and see God as the writer of my pay check and the provider of my job….Well, the way I do my job will be different.  There are also those in the “ministry” who are egocentric and produce all they produce to simply build their own kingdom.  They can preach, and teach, and evangelize…but in the power of flesh, not an outpouring of God’s spirit within them.  We have all been there, and go there on occasion.  It’s called self-righteousness and it is ugly.  But, it does look good sometimes.
My definition of ministry has gotten very simple.  It is simply Christ in me and through me.  Sometimes it will be at work.  Sometimes in a poem written.  Sometimes in discipling another.  Sometimes in caring for my grandchildren and loving them and bringing God into the everyday.  Sometimes it’s in choosing food off the lunch menu.  Sometimes it’s in not purchasing that thing I really want.  Sometimes in a word given to another.  Sometimes complete silence as I learn to rest in Him….  His life in and through me.  Anything else is simply flesh attempting to be God, isn’t it?
…The Fruit of the Spirit is HIS after all!  And we have it all, all the time, and He expresses it when He chooses…
 Thank you, Chris, for allowing us to share your beautiful expression of how Christ lives in you. And if we may also borrow your concluding line, “thanks for yielding to His work in you and being faithful to His call….”
You are the light of the world.”

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