March 19, 2006
Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me ."
Mark 10:21
Moving Day
What an interesting week. Last week’s Reflections about endings and transitions found so many people that are facing them. They were all asking, “What shall I do?” Next steps for them were frightening and unclear. The changes before them called for life decisions that will bring a moving day. Moving day is when initial steps are taken toward a new beginning.
The Apostles all faced a moving day. Though the Bible does not address it, Peter, James and John must have faced challenges as they chose to walk away from their boats to become fishers of men. Maybe Jesus’ invitation was so compelling that it did not produce a second thought, but not likely. These three were called to walk away from their families and from the tradition and security of the family business. They were called to step toward a new life even with out knowing where it would take them. They did not recognize it at the time, but through his Son, God looked them straight in the eye and said, “Follow me.” Something in their hearts told them to do it. 
As we face the moving days in our lives, we may not recognize that God is speaking to us, and we may not understand what He is saying. We have eyes but can not see. We have ears but can not hear. Often we are blind and deaf because we choose to close our eyes and cover our ears to avoid pain because the realities of change are painful. Sometimes changes call us away from our desires, sometimes to places we would rather not go, and sometimes to follow a path with no clear destination at all. Sometimes we are asked to exchange our treasures for something we cannot see.
Hearing God is never easy and the destination He has chosen for us is seldom clear. But in a quiet unhurried place, listen to your life in prayer. Look at where you are and how you reached there. Look at the giftedness you were given, the experiences you have had, and how those have prepared you for something new. You will be amazed by the discovery.
When moving days come, listen to your life in prayer. You will feel Christ’s love and hear his words, “Follow me.” And something in your heart will tell you to do it.
“You are the light of the world,”

Richard Ì

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