November 20, 2005
May the LORD bless his land with precious dew from heaven above and with the deep waters that lie below; with the best the sun brings forth and the finest the moon can yield; with the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills; with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and flavor
Deuteronomy 33:13-16
Daddy’s Dressing
The distinctive feature of Thanksgiving each year was Daddy’s turkey and dressing—especially the dressing. Daddy had a special recipe for dressing and he started making it weeks before the day of celebration. He would cook biscuits and cornbread in advance and set them out to dry. After days of drying, he would crumble them up into a large bowl where he would mix a special blend of spices before adding other specified ingredients. Just prior to cooking, he would add the juices from the cooked turkey until the mixture was soupy right, then place it in the oven and cook it to a crispy brown. 
Daddy’s dressing was the delicacy of the meal with its zesty peppered flavoring. Even though he is gone, his family continues the legacy, meticulously seeking to imitate its fineness—and we don’t do too badly. But it’s not quite the same without him.
Daddy was one of the many blessings in my life and I think others in the family will agree. His life is but one of the many blessings that I am thankful for this year as I reflect on the country we live in and the abundance we enjoy, the life that we have and the love that graces our family, the strength God provides in troubled times and the sacrifice that Jesus made for our salvation. Truly God has blessed us.
As we anticipate this special occasion to celebrate God’s provision for us, we ask that you join our family in giving thanks to our loving God for all that He has given;
for the precious dew from heaven above, the deep waters that lie below, the best the sun brings forth and the finest the moon can yield, the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills, with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and flavor.
And may we remember to give thanks to him everyday, not just on this special one.
“You are the light of the world,”
Richard Ì

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