April 3, 2005
Blessed are all who wait for the Lord.
Isaiah 30:18
Running Ahead…
The older I get the more fascinated I am with the energy of little children. Little children are always going to places they should not go, doing things they should not do with things they should not have. And children are always in such a hurry. They can’t wait to get to the places their parents are taking them, or for dinner to be ready, or for Christmas to come. Little children seem to be born with impatience. They are always running ahead of their parents even though they are asked to wait. Children don’t want to wait!
Then I think about myself. I seem to always be going to places I should not go, doing things I should not do with things I should not have. And I am always in a hurry. I can’t seem to wait to get where God is taking me, or to receive His provision, or for days of special blessing. I seem to have been born with impatience. I am always running ahead of God even though He asks me to wait.  I don’t want to wait! 
Then, like the children, when I get too far in front I find nothing much but trouble. By running ahead of God I encounter not just trouble but the burden of dealing with it. Only when I accept defeat do I pause to wait for the Lord.
When God says, “Be still and know that I am God.” it is just another way that He asks us to wait for Him. But it is oh so hard to do. Just like a child I want to hurry ahead in impatient disobedience to His request. I don’t want to wait.
I wonder what it would be like to walk in lockstep with God—to walk at his pace, to calibrate my clock with his time. As a child it seems that it would feel painfully slow; but most likely it would be glorious—blessed He says.
Someday our time will be His time, when we walk with Him through eternity.
You are the light of the world,
Richard Ì

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